Media Relations

Engaging with the media can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But the pay-off from well targeted, positive media coverage can be huge. Likewise, an unwarranted negative article or critical comment could do untold damage to your reputation.

Spybey & Company is here to help. Our media relations service will identify and connect you with the most relevant journalists and influencers in your sector and help you to understand their agenda. We’ll draft relevant and compelling news releases, articles and opinion pieces that tell your story in a crisp and compelling manner. We will disseminate your news via the most effective channels, including wire services if appropriate. And we’ll make sure that you are confident and prepared when it comes to speaking to the media - through interview rehearsal, key message development and Q&A preparation.

We can also act as your outsourced Press Office, so when the media call, Spybey & Company is there to assist.